How will I continue to grow in web 2.0

How will I continue to grow in web 2.0

I think the best way to continue to grow with web 2.0 tools is the use of collaboration with peers then not being timid about using the technology.  I think one of the most valuable things that I have learned in this class was that twitter is a valuable tool to be used for collaboration.  If you can join groups on twitter or follow hash tags that can lead your to good tools to use in your classroom wither it is technology or not that is a great use of web 2.0 tools. That I think is something I will always be trying to so to use web 2.0 tools to find other tools that I can use not only technology but also just ideas in general for my classroom. Now for the actual teaching part while using these tools. I have a magnet that is on the front of my desk that says "Do not confine your children to your own learning, for they were born in another time." - Hebrew Proverb. I don't really know where I got it but I think that is applies so much to this situation. The students that we have now are very use to using technology.  They all have smart phones at least the high school student that I teach all have smart phones.  They all have several different accounts on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat to name a few.   What I think is sad though is that most of this technology is used for entertainment only.  I think this is where education needs to make a difference.  I think we need to show our students how they can use the technology that they have right in front of them for learning at a high level. In order to do this though we have to know the technology ourselves and start using in the classroom for that type of learning.  Then we could potentially make learners that can learn outside of the classroom at a much higher level than we ever did.  So i guess what I am trying to say is that I am going to try to incorporate as much technology in my classroom as possible if not only to help my students learn while they are in my class but also help them to use the technology to learn out side of class as well. 


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