Aggregating Pages

Aggregating Pages

 So this week we were assigned to study and set up an aggregating page. The first thing that I did was to look up on google to find out what aggregating pages are.  The first link that pops up is a article that talks about the 6 top aggregating pages. I looked at a few different websites that were in the article that allowed you to set up aggregated pages for yourself. I looked at alltop and popurls among others.  After looking at those I then went back to my google search and looked at the wikipedia article.  The wikipedia article talked about several different types of pages aggregators.  The first one is a news aggregator.  In other words it seems like a aggregator is really just a way to put a lot of links to information that you would like to see all at once on one page.  I looked really handy for a start up page and you would be able to quickly see what was going on with the most important things on the internet for you.  Then I looked at the two that the professor said that we should look at, Protopages and Netvibes. They both allowed not only new but also twitter feeds and youtube playlists and all kinds of things that you could add that would allow you to see your most important stuff instantly.  They both however looked like they might be a lot of work to set up the way that I would like them but I decided to go with protopages just because it looked more simple and slightly easier to set up.  I thought that it would take forever to get all the stuff set up that I wanted to set up on the page but as I was doing it and discovering more and more that you could do with the website the easier it got to make it do what I wanted it to do.  So it ended up that I quickly set up a page that had most of the stuff that I was interested in seeing on my start up page.  I was free and quick and easy.  I think that everyone should set up their own page so that they could also get more out of the internet as well.  Anyways if you would like to see mine the link is here. My homepage. 


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