

For this assignment I am suppose to reflect on the "folio thinking."  Being a science teacher I have not often thought about folios as being something that you could do.  I was never required by any of my science classes throughout the years to make a folio and I always thought that was mostly a art thing.  I would always hear from my friends that were in art classes about their folio and how they needed to make an art piece to go in their folio.   Or that they were making an art piece just so they could show their range in the art.  I ways thought that was a good idea for art.  You could glance through and artist portfolio and easily tell wither or not you would want that particular artist painting something for you.  As I explored the idea more and more and thought about it more and more this week.  I don't know why we don't use it in more fields.  It seems to me like the idea is catching on more and more in universities.   Where students need to make a portfolio throughout a program in order to graduate from that program but I don't think it really used as far as I know in the lower grades.  I think that we really should implement it in more of the lower grades.  I think that in order to teach a student you first need to know at least a little bit about them and it would be ever better if you knew more about their educational background.  I think this would be a huge advantage that a portfolio would have over other forms of assessment.  The data that you get from a traditional  test us usually just a score but if there was a portfolio of the work that a student did you could see where the student struggled and how the student grew though out the year.  Me as a physics teacher would find this very valuable because I could look at the student's previous math work and know where they struggled or I would know how they were taught how to do things so that I could relate the math that we do in physics to the math that they have already done with out having to go to talk to their old math teacher. Now as a student I think that an assessment of my knowledge through a test or through a portfolio would be about the same because most of my education was in physics where solving problems is the main thing that you do.  I wither I show that I can do that on a test or in a portfolio really doesn't make much of a difference.  However I think that if I were doing that to get a job at a high school I think that a portfolio of my work as an educator would prove to be more valuable to my employer than my score on a test.   So I guess that I see it both ways and it is different for different situations.

Now the difference between eportfolios and a physical one.  I think that the eportfolio is vastly better.  First it is way easier to share with people.  You don't have to physically send it to them or physically hand it to them.  I think this is the number one advantage that and eportfolio has over a physical one.  It is really easy these days to send and email with a link to a website or a wiki that is your eportfolio and it is really easy for a person to get that link and see exactly what kind of work they can expect out of you.  Digital information sharing can happen so fast there really is no reason that if you have a physical portfolio you shouldn't just convert it to a digital one so that you can easily share it with your potential employers.  As far as where you should have your eportfolio I think that the best way to go about it is to make your own website and put every thing on there.  I think this is the best way because you can organize it the way that you want to and you can make it easy for whoever you are sharing it with to see quickly what they want to see.  You can have a different page with you bio, and your educational endeavors, and a your teaching endeavors, etc...  I think this is the best form that your eportfolio can take so that is what I am going to do to make my own and here it is... https://sites.google.com/view/giraudeportfolio/home

Overall I think the idea of portfolios is a good one and one that we should implement in more places especially in the younger grades.  I also think that if you are going to have a portfolio there is no reason to only have a physical one and not a digital one in this day and age.  So you might as well have a digital portfolio as any portfolio and take advantage of all the technology that we have today.


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