
Showing posts from November, 2018


Eportfolios For this assignment I am suppose to reflect on the "folio thinking."  Being a science teacher I have not often thought about folios as being something that you could do.  I was never required by any of my science classes throughout the years to make a folio and I always thought that was mostly a art thing.  I would always hear from my friends that were in art classes about their folio and how they needed to make an art piece to go in their folio.   Or that they were making an art piece just so they could show their range in the art.  I ways thought that was a good idea for art.  You could glance through and artist portfolio and easily tell wither or not you would want that particular artist painting something for you.  As I explored the idea more and more and thought about it more and more this week.  I don't know why we don't use it in more fields.  It seems to me like the idea is catching on more and more in universities.   Where students need to make

Bloging about bloging

My first post Welcome to my educational technology blog.  I am writing this for my masters degree in physics education.  I think a valuable part of any education these days is the technology that you can use to further that education in learning and teaching.  I have started a blog before and when I was starting that blog I researched the best place to start a blog there are so many different ways to do it these days.  You can start a blog here at blogger.  You can create a blog on wix, or squarespace or weebly or many others.  You can even make a website in google and post it like a blog.  There are many different advantages and disadvantages to the different sites.  Some of the ones that are dedicated to only blogging (ie. blogger,, etc.) are more user friendly to the person that just wants to blog and doesn't want to customize the look of their blog or learn any coding.  However sites like that are also limited in how you can change the look of your blog so it has to