Content Objects
Okay for the assignment this week I choose to do content objects because I knew of a few resources online but I thought there has to be more and I really don't have the time to research them much because I am teaching full time. So I took the opportunity this week to try to find some more resources that I didn't already know about. It was a great experience and I want to share some of the resources that I found. So first I think that I need to tell you that I teach physics which is a great subject that lends itself well to simulations. This was the first one that I explored. There is the website PHET. Which stands for physics education technology. I already kind of knew about this website but I have not taken the time to really explore all that it has to offer until this week. Let me tell you it was an eye opening experience. It has all kinds of resources that I didn't know about. I mean there are the simulations themselves which a...